Please read Miss G's from Little House of Music's "NO REGULATIONS ON PRIVATE MUSIC TEACHERS! PLEASE!
I find it appalling that anyone who wishes to teach private music lessons to children is allowed to do so without first being fingerprinted, a background check done on them and have a state license that requires a test to see if they are even qualified to teach a musical instrument to our children.
There are millions of private music teachers in the USA without any restraints. Everyday there are millions of children in the USA being taught privately by a teacher who has had no checks done on them.I have done a survey asking parents if their child's private music teacher has a state license to teach music and if they know the teacher has been fingerprinted and a background check done on them. All the parents just assume that teacher's have all of the above checks done before they can teach children music in their homes or in a little room in a music store without a window to view their child's lesson. They tell me that every state requires all these checks to be done before anyone can teach and work with children. When I tell them this isn't the fact I wish you could see their faces and hear what they have to say!I find it unbelievable that this issue has been overlooked in the USA. I have written letters to my state officials hoping that in the 2008 Legislative Session this problem will be solved in my state but what about the other states?
The list is very long of adults working with children that must be fingerprinted and have a background check done on them, Girl Scout leaders, parents helping their child’s teacher in schools, after school sport coaches just to name a few. Why not private music teachers?
I personally know of cases where the music teacher has assaulted children. I hope that we don’t allow this to happen to another child!As adults, it is our responsibility to take care of our children instead of assuming that all the above checks are done on private music teachers.
We must take better care of our children and help parents stop wasting their money on a music teacher who is not qualified to teach.
As a private music teacher myself I have first hand knowledge of way too many cases of children being taught by a private music teacher who is not qualified to teach. I certainly hope there are no pedophiles that play music and decide to start teaching our children private music lessons!
I would appreciate any help you could give me concerning this issue.
Miss G Little House of Music
There are millions of private music teachers in the USA without any restraints. Everyday there are millions of children in the USA being taught privately by a teacher who has had no checks done on them.I have done a survey asking parents if their child's private music teacher has a state license to teach music and if they know the teacher has been fingerprinted and a background check done on them. All the parents just assume that teacher's have all of the above checks done before they can teach children music in their homes or in a little room in a music store without a window to view their child's lesson. They tell me that every state requires all these checks to be done before anyone can teach and work with children. When I tell them this isn't the fact I wish you could see their faces and hear what they have to say!I find it unbelievable that this issue has been overlooked in the USA. I have written letters to my state officials hoping that in the 2008 Legislative Session this problem will be solved in my state but what about the other states?
The list is very long of adults working with children that must be fingerprinted and have a background check done on them, Girl Scout leaders, parents helping their child’s teacher in schools, after school sport coaches just to name a few. Why not private music teachers?
I personally know of cases where the music teacher has assaulted children. I hope that we don’t allow this to happen to another child!As adults, it is our responsibility to take care of our children instead of assuming that all the above checks are done on private music teachers.
We must take better care of our children and help parents stop wasting their money on a music teacher who is not qualified to teach.
As a private music teacher myself I have first hand knowledge of way too many cases of children being taught by a private music teacher who is not qualified to teach. I certainly hope there are no pedophiles that play music and decide to start teaching our children private music lessons!
I would appreciate any help you could give me concerning this issue.
Miss G Little House of Music
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